City | Juba |
Country | SOUTH SUDAN |
Category | Radio |
Status | Catholic |
Owner | Catholic Archdiocese of Juba / Comboni Missionary Institutes |
City | Juba |
Province | Southern Sudan |
Telephone | +211951558854 | | |
Homepage | |
Year of creation | 2006 |
1st day of broadcasting | 24th December 2006 |
Languages | English, Arabic |
Frequency | FM 91 |
Power | 2 KW |
Total time of broadcasting | 6:00am - 9:00pm |
Comment | Twitter: @radiobakhita |
updated: 17.12.2024 |
City | Gidel |
Country | SOUTH SUDAN |
Category | Radio |
Status | Catholic |
Owner | Catholic Diocese of El Obeid |
City | Gidel |
Province | Southern Kordofan (Nuba Mountains) | | |
Year of creation | 2009 |
1st day of broadcasting | 22 April 2009 |
Languages | Arabic, English, Tira, Otoro, Lera and Muru |
Frequency | FM 107.9 |
Power | 300 Watt |
Total time of broadcasting | Mo-Sa.: 8:00am to 10:00 pm , Sundays: 12:00 to 10:00pm |
Comment | Major Programs: Local and national news, drama series, family, culture & tradition, women, health, Vatican news, spiritual reflections and musical slots |
updated: 17.12.2024 |
City | Torit |
Country | SOUTH SUDAN |
Category | Radio |
Status | Catholic |
Owner | Catholic Diocese of Torit |
Street | Katire Road |
P.O. Box | P.O. Box 11 |
City | Torit |
Province | Eastern Equatoria State |
Telephone | +211 926348899 ; +211912271901 | | |
Year of creation | 19.06.2009 |
1st day of broadcasting | 19.06.2009 |
Languages | English, Simple Arabic, Otuho, Madi, Lokwa, Acholi, Didinga, Topasa |
Frequency | FM 89 MHZ |
Power | 2 KW |
Total time of broadcasting | 15 Hours |
Comment | Radio Emmanuel is a community based radio, established to enable communities access information on critical issues, and create a platform for development, peace and Reconciliation. The station is located 3 kilometers South of Torit town. It has a very wide outreach, as far as areas of Kapoeta, Magwi and Isoke, Palotaka, Chukudum, Ikwoto, Chahari, Bira, Chorokol, Camp 15, Imurok, Ifotu, Lirya, Kudo, Lowoi, Loronyo, Hiyala, Lafon, Loudo. (CRN Website) |
updated: 17.12.2024 |
City | 71111 Malakal |
Country | SOUTH SUDAN |
Category | Radio |
Status | Catholic |
Owner | Catholic Diocese of Malakal |
P.O. Box | P.O. Box 27 |
City | 71111 Malakal |
Telephone | +211 955 562 550; +211 910 377 396 | | |
Year of creation | 2009 |
1st day of broadcasting | 04 August 2009 |
Languages | Arabic and English, plus songs in local languages: Shilluk, Nuer and Dinka |
Frequency | FM 93.6 |
Power | 2 KW |
Total time of broadcasting | 9.00 to 12.00 a.m. from MONDAY TO FRIDAY; 4.00 TO 8.00 p.m. DAILY |
updated: 17.12.2024 |
City | Rumbek |
Country | SOUTH SUDAN |
Category | Radio |
Status | Catholic |
Owner | Catholic Diocese of Rumbek |
Director | Marial Deng |
P.O. Box | P.O. Box 21102, Nairobi, Kenya |
City | Rumbek |
Province | Lakes State |
Telephone | +211 924776366 | | |
Year of creation | 2010 |
1st day of broadcasting | 1 February 2010 |
Languages | Mainly Dinka and English, plus Jur Beli and Arabic |
Frequency | FM 89.0 |
Total time of broadcasting | 18 h / day |
updated: 17.12.2024 |
City | Yei |
Country | SOUTH SUDAN |
Category | Radio |
Status | Catholic |
Owner | Catholic Diocese of Yei |
Director | Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Sebit |
Street | c/o Diocesan Secretariat Compound, Christ the King Cathedral Area, Juba - Yei Road |
P.O. Box | P.O. Box 32 Juba |
City | Yei |
Telephone | +211 921 390 770, +211 914 132 030 | | |
Year of creation | 2010 |
1st day of broadcasting | 21 st January 2010 |
Languages | Bari, English, Simple Arabic |
Frequency | FM 94.0 |
Power | 1 KW, 2 KW |
updated: 17.12.2024 |
City | Yambio |
Country | SOUTH SUDAN |
Category | Radio |
Status | Catholic |
Owner | Catholic Diocese of Tombura-Yambio |
Street | Bukasa |
P.O. Box | P.O. Box 27114, Kampala, Uganda |
City | Yambio |
Province | Western Equatoria |
Telephone | +211 929 030 425 |
Homepage | |
Year of creation | 05.07.2011 |
1st day of broadcasting | 05.07.2011 |
Languages | Zande, English, Arabic, Balanda |
Frequency | FM 92.0 MHZ |
Power | 1000 W |
Total time of broadcasting | 16 Hours |
updated: 17.12.2024 |
City | Wau |
Country | SOUTH SUDAN |
Category | Radio |
Status | Catholic |
Owner | Catholic Diocese of Wau |
City | Wau |
Telephone | +211 912582702, +211 924470512 | | |
Year of creation | 2011 |
1st day of broadcasting | 11th October 2011 |
Languages | Arabic, English, Dinka, Balanda, Jur, Ndogo, Kresh |
Frequency | 98.65 FM |
Power | 2 KW |
Total time of broadcasting | Mon-Fri: 6:00 am - 2:00pm - 7:00pm, Sat-Sund: 2:00 pm - 7:00 pm |
updated: 17.12.2024 |
City | Tonj South |
Country | SOUTH SUDAN |
Category | Radio |
Status | Catholic |
Owner | Salesians of Don Bosco Mission, Catholic Diocese of Rumbek |
Director | Fr Tamil Selvan SDB |
City | Tonj South |
Province | Warrap State |
Telephone | +211925090023/925090024 | | |
Homepage | |
Webcast | |
Year of creation | 2010 |
1st day of broadcasting | Feb 5, 2010 |
Languages | English, Dinka, Bongo, Jur, Arabic |
Frequency | FM 91.0 |
Power | 2 Kw |
Comment | The radio station is located in Tonj South and it operates under the Catholic Diocese of Rumbek and administered by the Salesians of Don Bosco. It has a mast of 65 meters and an outreach of about 90 to 120 kms radius. It has a music recording studio and the compound has a Secondary School (with 300 students 2022), Primary and Kindergarten School (with 1500 students 2022) and a Youth Centre. The parish has more than 80 villages with chapels and a Hospital with in and out patients’ services. The signal reaches Thiet, Aguko, Medil, Mapel, Mbili and up to Wau; the outreach is still being mapped. |
updated: 17.12.2024 |
City | Juba |
Country | SOUTH SUDAN |
Status | Catholic |
Owner | Sudan Catholic Bishops' Conference |
Street | South Sudan Secretariat |
P.O. Box | P.O. Box 258 |
City | Juba |
Telephone | +211 924 217188/ +211 954 005487 | | |
Homepage | |
Comment | News Desk. CRN news desk prepares two daily news bulletins covering South Sudan and neighbouring countries. News Editor: Chuol Jany, Tel. +211 922111666│ E-mail: Twitter: @News_CRN Skype: |
updated: 17.12.2024 |