Cameco at the Oxford Media Policy Summer Institute

Cameco's Global Engagement: Navigating the Intersection of Technology, Media, and Policy

Emy Osorio Matorel, our Digital Strategy and Analysis Advisor, participated in the Oxford Media Policy Summer Institute (OMPSI), aiming to explore the impacts of technology, media, and policy through a global and multidisciplinary lens. She was selected to be part of this competitive and exclusive programme. Her participation was made possible through the Weltdienst Programme of Agiamondo.

The 2023 edition focused on the question, "Technology and Policy in Turbulent Times: Whose Rights and Responsibilities?" The topics discussed during the two weeks included AI and online content moderation, internet shutdowns during elections and conflict, AI for social good and human rights, surveillance and smart cities, inequalities and infrastructure, and the regulation of online platforms and social media, particularly in the Global South.

During the Summer Institute, Osorio Matorel shared insights on digital inclusion, a crucial aspect of her work at Cameco, particularly with the digitalisation working group of Misereor. She received valuable feedback from participants working in this area globally, along with proposals for future projects between various organisations.

For over twenty-five years, the Oxford Media Policy Summer Institute has brought together early-career scholars in communications, media lawyers, regulators, human rights activists, technologists, and policymakers from countries around the world.

The Institute's objectives are to increase the number of skilled young scholars and practitioners in these fields, connect them with top scholars and practitioners globally, encourage interdisciplinary discussions, and create opportunities for future collaborations. With an annual attendance of around 30 participants from more than 20 countries, the Institute provides unique exposure to the varied experiences and media environments of its global attendees and speakers.

The Summer Institute took place from July 29th to August 12th at Jesus College, University of Oxford. It was organised by the Programme in Comparative Media Law and Policy at the University of Oxford’s Centre for Socio-Legal Studies and the University of Johannesburg’s School of Communication.

In conclusion, Emy Osorio Matorel's active participation in the Oxford Media Policy Summer Institute exemplifies Cameco's commitment to staying abreast of global discussions and building partnerships with allies worldwide.